Free Post PKI Are you ready for the Symantec distrust? It's been common knowledge in the wider PKI community that Symantec, the Certificate Authority, is currently being distrusted and will soon cease to exist as a CA. My...
Free Post CSP Protect your site from Cryptojacking with CSP + SRI We saw a pretty big event take place over the weekend where a 3rd party provider was compromised and their JS library was altered. The alteration introduced a crypto mining...
Free Post Report URI Hacking Azure Table Storage to do ORDER BY on Timestamp I recently wrote about a little hack we did with Azure Table Storage to give us functionality equivalent to a LIKE query in SQL, something not natively supported in Table...
Free Post Report URI Launching Report URI JS The most common way to set a Content Security Policy on your site is to deliver it as a HTTP response header, but that's not always possible. On...
Free Post HTTPS HTTPS deployment tips Migrating your site to HTTPS can be hard, really hard. There are countless different ways to perform your migration and various tools and techniques that can help you smooth out...
Free Post CSP Optimising Twitter's CSP header I'm sat on a train right now and between bursts of WiFi connectivity I'm testing some code to parse a CSP header. Whilst looking for big...
Free Post HTTPS We need more phishing sites on HTTPS! There, I said it! It might sound like a weird thing to stay but stick with me on this one. We really do need more phishing sites on HTTPS, all...
Free Post table storage Hacking Azure Table Storage to do LIKE queries We use Azure Table Storage as our database for Report URI and it's an incredibly simple yet powerful storage solution. It scales transparently, has amazing performance and is...
Free Post BBC Click How we turned Average Joe into Psychic Joe Last year I got an email offering me the opportunity to do some work with the BBC and show something security focused that would be broadcast live on the BBC&...
Free Post Report URI Powerful filtering and other updates for Report URI We've been working hard in the run up to the holiday season and we're really happy to release some of the new features we've...