Free Post HTTPS Debunking the fallacy that paid certificates are better than free certificates, and other related nonsense Those that know me or have followed me online will know I'm a massive advocate of encryption on the web. One of my goals is to help encrypt...
Free Post HTTPS Do SSL warranties protect you? As much as rocks keep tigers away... This post is the first of two that I will be publishing over the coming days to address a few concerns that seem to be rising in the wider community....
Free Post Security Headers Alexa Top 1 Million Analysis - February 2018 It's that time of year again! I'm really excited to publish the 6th installment of my Alexa Top 1 Million analysis so we can take a...
Free Post nginx Doing the ChaCha with Nginx ChaCha20-Poly1305 is the combination of a new cipher, ChaCha20, and a new MAC, Poly1305, to give us a new AEAD cipher suite. AEADs will be the only option that will...
Free Post TLS The Best TLS Training in the World - Coming up North This year I've been working hard on delivering The Best TLS Training in the World both nationally and internationally. The course has been tremendously well received and consistently...
Free Post TLS The encrypted web is coming! Now, more than ever, we are seeing a huge drive towards encryption on the web. In fact, encryption is now being adopted at a rate never before seen. Here are...
Free Post TLS HPKP: HTTP Public Key Pinning HTTP Public Key Pinning, or HPKP, is a security policy delivered via a HTTP response header much like HSTS [] and CSP [
Free Post PFS Getting an A+ on the Qualys SSL Test - Windows Edition My previous article [] has gained a lot of attention as a reference point on how to score the highest A+ rating on the Qualys SSL...
Free Post encryption Do browsers tell us enough about secure connections? We've all grown used to checking for 'https' in the address bar of our browser and making sure that we have the little padlock indicator to assure us that the connection is secure. The only problem I find with these...
Free Post CloudFlare CloudFlare's great new features and why I won't use them CloudFlare have recently announced two great new features in the form of Keyless SSL [] and Universal SSL []. Despite the fact that Keyless SSL addresses some of the concerns I outlined in my previous blog...