Free Post end of life Windows XP End Of Support; The Ticking Time Bomb October 2001 saw the release of Windows XP, Microsoft's flagship OS to replace Windows 2000 and Windows ME. It was the first OS targeted at consumers and came with a minimum hardware requirement of a 233MHz CPU, 64Mb of RAM and 1....
Free Post encryption Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) - The guardians of your online privacy A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to connect devices or networks together with a reliable and secure connection. Most frequently used in corporate environments to link offices in different geographic locations, a VPN allows the sharing of resources efficiently and securely. Their recent...
Free Post cracking WiFi (in)Security - How WPS makes it even easier to crack your WiFi security WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) was introduced by the WiFi Alliance in 2006 with the aim of allowing users to easily setup a secure WiFi network. In reality simple security just doesn't exist and a poor design has resulted in WPS becoming a...
Free Post karma The WiFi Pineapple - Using Karma and SSLstrip to MiTM secure connections Using Karma coupled with SSLstrip the WiFi Pineapple can easily give you access to traffic that would normally have been encrypted. Even if a site enforces HTTPS you can still find yourself browsing an insecure version of the site. Introduction In a few recent...
Free Post security WiFi (in)Security - Even WPA can't compensate for a weak password WPA replaced the broken WEP security protocol in 2004 but still doesn't force the user to use strong passwords. In this blog I will show you if your password is up to the job of protecting your network and just how easy...
Free Post dnsspoof The WiFi Pineapple - Using Karma and DNSspoof to snag unsuspecting victims Karma is one of the best features of the WiFi Pineapple thanks to Jasager. Coupled with a tool like DNSSPoof it allows you to trick clients into connecting to your rogue access point and to then forge responses to DNS queries. With this you...
Free Post cracking WiFi (in)Security - Why WEP is no longer capable of protecting your WiFi Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was ratified in 1999 and intended to give WiFi users data confidentiality comparable to that of a traditional wired network. Although the name implies a high level of security, WEP has several serious and demonstrable flaws that result in it...
Free Post 2 factor authentication Password security doesn't need to be difficult, looking at 2 factor authentication and password managers Passwords protect all of your online life and using weak or duplicated passwords can leave you facing huge risks when it comes to security. 2 factor authentication and password managers provide easy ways to greatly increase your security online. Weak Passwords One of the...
Free Post chrome Why you shouldn't use your browser to store online passwords A recently publicised "flaw" in Chrome and Firefox could allow someone with access to your computer to view all of your online passwords in a matter of seconds. Let's look at exactly what the problem is and what can be...
Free Post occupineapple The WiFi Pineapple - Occupineapple and broadcasting multiple SSIDs One of the most simple and fun things to do with your WiFi Pineapple out of the box is the Occupineapple Infsusion. Simply put, this Infusion allows you to broadcast a whole host of SSIDs to make it look like there are multiple WiFi...