I've been running my blog for quite a number of years now and during that time I've tried out sponsorship and advertising. I wasn't a fan of either of those options so I'm about to give Patreon a try.


Patreon is a platform where you can support people that create content just like I do. They have loads of details on their site, check out their About Page, but it's simple, easy and best of all 90% of the support goes directly to me.

My Patreon

Writing blogs really does take a lot of time. Depending on exactly what it is I'm writing about it can take up anyting from a few hours to tens of hours. Researching new topics and standards to write about them, conducting security testing, purchasing equipment or software and hosting too. All of these things incur a cost and I'd love to continue to do them as much as I do now or even more. Drop by my Patreon page and consider showing your support!


All of the details you need are on my page linked above and if you have any questions at all, please feel free to drop by in the comments below or come and find me on Twitter.